Sea Cave Watch


Lake Superior

Level of Effort



This tool provides photos and data about conditions at the Mainland Sea Caves of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. 


  • View real-time information about wind and wave conditions at the Mainland Sea Caves
  • Get recommendations about the kayaking skill level required for the current conditions
  •  View pictures of current and past conditions at the sea caves

Guidance & Resources

Sea Caves Watch provides real-time imagery and data about winds and waves at the Mainland Sea Caves. It is intended to help kayakers make informed decisions about visiting the sea caves. The tool is only intended to provide real time information, and kayakers are advised to check the weather forecast before heading to the caves.

Tool Custodian

Related Data & Tools

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


kayaking, sea kayaking, sea caves, weather, wind, waves, wave height, Great Lakes, Apostle Islands, Lake Superior, Wisconsin